JavaScript Variables

Declaring Variables

Variables are containers for storing data values, and in JavaScript, variables can be declared using var, let, or const.


The var keyword was the original way to declare variables in JavaScript. Variables declared with var are function-scoped and can be reassigned.


var x = 5;
console.log(x);  // Outputs: 5
x = 10;
console.log(x);  // Outputs: 10

Key Characteristics of var:

  • Scope: Function-scoped, meaning it’s accessible within the function it’s declared in.
  • Hoisting: var declarations are hoisted to the top of their scope, but only the declaration is hoisted, not the assignment.

Example of Hoisting with var:

console.log(a); // Outputs: undefined, as only the declaration is hoisted
var a = 10;
console.log(a); // Outputs: 10


Introduced in ES6, the let keyword allows for block-scoped variables, meaning they are limited to the block (or set of curly braces) where they are defined.


let y = 5;
console.log(y); // Outputs: 5
y = 20;
console.log(y); // Outputs: 20

Key Characteristics of let:

  • Scope: Block-scoped, making it safer to use in loops and conditional blocks.
  • Hoisting: let is hoisted but is not initialized, so accessing it before declaration results in a ReferenceError.

Example with let and Block Scope:

if (true) {
    let z = 30;
    console.log(z); // Outputs: 30
// console.log(z); // Throws ReferenceError because z is not accessible outside the block


const is also block-scoped but is meant for values that should not be reassigned after their initial assignment.


const pi = 3.14159;
console.log(pi); // Outputs: 3.14159
// pi = 3.14; // Throws TypeError: Assignment to constant variable.

Key Characteristics of const:

  • Scope: Block-scoped, just like let.
  • Reassignment: Cannot be reassigned after declaration.
  • Hoisting: Similar to let, const is hoisted but not initialized.

Note: For objects and arrays declared with const, the contents can still be modified, but the variable itself cannot be reassigned.

Example of a const Array:

const colors = ["red", "blue"];
colors.push("green");  // Works because we're modifying the array, not reassigning it
console.log(colors);    // Outputs: ["red", "blue", "green"]
// colors = ["yellow"]; // Throws TypeError: Assignment to constant variable.

Summary of var, let, and const

HoistingYesYes (uninitialized)Yes (uninitialized)
ReassignmentAllowedAllowedNot allowed
Use CasesLegacy codeModern usageConstants

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